Tips for Beginners in COD MW3

Tips for Beginners in COD MW3

Although COD MW3 has been around for a long time, there are still new players getting into it. For those beginners entering COD MW3 may feel overwhelmed. In order to get a better gaming experience when you are new to MW3, we can learn some tricks about it. This article will discuss three essential tips for beginners in COD MW3, along with some miscellaneous advice to enhance your performance.

Step 1: Acquire a Baseline for Your Settings

Before diving into the game, setting up your controls and graphics settings according to your preferences is crucial. Spend time in the game’s options menu to adjust your sensitivity, button layout, and other settings that suit your playstyle.

Experiment with different configurations until you find what feels comfortable and natural. A solid setting baseline will help you focus on the gameplay without distractions.

Recommended: COD MW3 Guide: How to Get Legendary Aether Tool?

Step 2: Study Map Knowledge

Map knowledge is a key aspect of success in COD MW3. Please familiarize yourself with the various maps in the game by playing them repeatedly. Take note of the different routes, chokepoints, and advantageous positions.

Understanding the layout of each map will give you an edge over your opponents, allowing you to plan your movements and anticipate enemy positions. Additionally, pay attention to popular camping spots and areas with high traffic to avoid getting caught off guard.

Step 3: Experiment with Guns

COD MW3 offers a wide range of weapons, each with strengths and weaknesses. As a beginner, it’s essential to experiment with different guns to find the ones that suit your playstyle. Try out various weapon classes, such as assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, and sniper rifles, to see which one feels most comfortable for you. Additionally, unlock attachments and perks for your chosen weapons to enhance performance.

Remember, finding the right gun that suits your playstyle can significantly improve your effectiveness on the battlefield. In order to unlock all the guns, we can get help from mw3 services provided by U4GM who will drop all the items you need in the game.

Miscellaneous Tips:

  1. Don’t aim for the head; aim for center mass: While headshots can be rewarding, aiming for the center mass of your opponents is generally more effective. It increases your chances of hitting the target and ensures that you can still deal significant damage even if you miss the headshot.
  2. Get out of hardcore mode: Hardcore mode in COD MW3 reduces players’ health, making it easier to get killed. As a beginner, avoiding this mode and focusing on the standard game modes is advisable. Once you gain more experience and confidence, you can try hardcore mode.
  3. Avoid one life modes: Modes like Search and Destroy, where you have only one life per round, can be challenging for beginners. It’s better to start with respawn-based game modes like Team Deathmatch or Domination, where you have multiple lives and can learn the game’s mechanics without the pressure of a single life.


COD MW3 can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience for beginners, but it requires practice, strategy, and a willingness to learn. By following these tips, you can establish a solid foundation for your gameplay.

Related: 6 Tips to Become a Good Player in COD MW3

Published by hotyhs

Claus Oliver is a gamer, and on this blog, he will share guides and news for some popular games. He has shared many guides for games like Path of Exile, Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, and more. He'll be sharing more game guides for NBA 2K23 in the near future.

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