Some Tips and Lesser-known Facts About MW3 Zombies

Some Tips and Lesser-known Facts About MW3 Zombies

COD MW3 has been around for a long time now, and many players have shared their experiences in the community after playing this game. The following article will provide you with some tricks and lesser-known facts about MW3 Zombies shared by players. These tricks will help us to proceed more smoothly in the game.

Gas Mask Refilling:

Players can visit the stations to replenish the filters when the gas mask is about halfway empty, thereby avoiding potential breakage. This tip is particularly useful during intense encounters, such as the red worm fight, where ammo crates are conveniently located for refilling the gas mask.

PhD and Water Damage:

PhD and Water Damage

According to insights shared by players, having the PhD perk enables individuals to withstand apparent water damage without facing fatal consequences. When players with the PhD perk submerge themselves in water, although it may appear that their health is depleting, they will not succumb to the water damage. This lesser-known fact sheds light on the protective nature of the PhD perk against certain environmental hazards within the game.

Perk Combinations for Strongholds:

Combining RGL-80, PhD Flopper, and Speed Cola makes navigating tier three infested strongholds and ether nests easier. By leveraging this perk combination, players can bolster their combat capabilities and maneuver more effectively within the infested strongholds and ether nests.

Item Sharing:

If a player already has a schematic obtained from the worm fight, they can drop it for others in the group, as these items can be challenging to acquire. This act of sharing is rooted in the understanding that certain items, such as schematics, can pose challenges to obtain, and by extending a helping hand to fellow players, individuals can contribute to a more inclusive and supportive gaming environment.

Interactive Map Website:


The MWZ Hub provides maps for Modern Warfare 3 zombies and Warzone, offering interactive maps with hidden areas, caches, and step-by-step guidance. By leveraging this interactive map resource, players can gain a competitive edge and deepen their understanding of the game’s intricacies.

Safeguarding Crafted Items:

It’s advisable to store crafted items in the stash to prevent potential loss, especially for valuable items like legendary ether tools and Flawless crystals.

Finding Exfills:

Exfills can be located by zooming out the map to identify the specific icons or asking other players in the cod mw3 bot lobbies.

The MW3 zombies community has contributed many insights and strategies to enhance the gaming experience. From practical gameplay tactics to effective perk combinations, the shared tips reflect the collaborative nature of the gaming community. By leveraging these lesser-known facts, players can elevate their skills and confidently navigate the game.

Published by hotyhs

Claus Oliver is a gamer, and on this blog, he will share guides and news for some popular games. He has shared many guides for games like Path of Exile, Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, and more. He'll be sharing more game guides for NBA 2K23 in the near future.

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