COD MW3 Guide: How to Unlock Psychedelics Camo?

COD MW3 Guide: How to Unlock Psychedelics Camo?

Unlocking the Psychedelics Camo in COD MW3 is a goal for many players looking to customize their weapons and showcase their achievements. This guide will provide you with the necessary steps to unlock this vibrant camo, ensuring your gear stands out in the heat of battle.

What is Psychedelics Camo in MW3?

The Psychedelics Camo in MW3 is a vibrant and visually striking weapon camo that players can unlock and apply to their weapons. If you want to get these camos faster, then the mw3 camo boosting provided by U4GM will help you unlock the camo you need in the shortest time.

Unlocking Psychedelics Camo

To unlock the Psychedelics Camo, players would need to complete all the necessary challenges for the specific weapon they want to equip with this camo. The challenges may involve achieving a certain number of kills, headshots, or other specific feats with the weapon.

All Psychedelics Camo Challenges

Psychedelic LoopsGet the MTZ Interceptor to Level 2
Get 50 kills with the MTZ Interceptor
Psychedelic MiseryGet the MTZ Interceptor to Level 2
In Zombies, get 250 kills with the MTZ Interceptor
Psychedelic RidgeGet the DG-58 LSW to Level 2
In Zombies, get 250 kills with the DG-58 LSW
Psychedelic SkyGet the DG-58 LSW to Level 2
Get 50 kills with the DG-58 LSW

When we complete the above challenges, we can unlock the required Psychedelics Camo. To complete the challenge faster, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Select the Weapon: Choose the weapon you want to apply the Psychedelics Camo to. Each weapon has its own set of camo challenges.
  2. Complete Base Camo Challenges: Start by completing the base camo challenges for your selected weapon. These challenges are usually the first step and involve getting a certain number of kills or headshots.
  3. Progress Through Completionist Camo Challenges: After completing the base challenges, move on to the completionist camo challenges. These are more difficult and may require you to perform specific feats with the weapon, such as getting kills without attachments or achieving double kills.
  4. Achieve Mastery Camo Challenges: Mastery Camo challenges are the highest tier of camo challenges. Completing these will often unlock the most prestigious camos in the game.
  5. Check for Psychedelics Camo Requirements: If the Psychedelics Camo is part of the mastery camos, you will need to complete all the preceding challenges. If it’s a special or event-related camo, there may be unique requirements, such as participating in a certain event or completing time-limited challenges.
  6. Apply the Camo: Once unlocked, go to the Gunsmith section for your weapon and apply the Psychedelics Camo to showcase your achievement.

Tips for Completing Camo Challenges

  • Play Strategically: Focus on the requirements of each challenge and adapt your playstyle accordingly. For example, if you need headshots, aim higher and use weapons with good accuracy.
  • Use the Right Attachments: Customize your weapon in the Gunsmith to suit the challenge you’re working on. Some attachments can make it easier to control recoil or improve accuracy.
  • Stay Persistent: Some challenges can be quite difficult and may require multiple attempts. Keep trying, and learn from each match to improve your chances of success.


Unlocking the Psychedelics Camo in COD MW3 is a testament to your dedication and skill in the game. By completing the necessary challenges and utilizing the tips provided, you can add this unique camo to your collection and make your weapons as visually striking as they are deadly on the battlefield.

Related: COD MW3 Guide: How to Unlock High Contrast Camo?

Published by hotyhs

Claus Oliver is a gamer, and on this blog, he will share guides and news for some popular games. He has shared many guides for games like Path of Exile, Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, and more. He'll be sharing more game guides for NBA 2K23 in the near future.

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