Creating Custom Teams and Logos in MLB The Show 24

Crafting a unique team and logo in MLB The Show 24 can be a rewarding experience, but it’s not always straightforward. The game’s developers at SDS don’t provide comprehensive tutorials, leaving players to figure out the intricacies through trial and error. However, this guide aims to distill the key lessons learned by the community to help you create visually stunning and functional custom teams.

First and foremost, understand the importance of the three critical logos: the main team logo, the home cap logo, and the road cap logo. These logos will be prominently displayed on scoreboards, menus, and in-game crawls. The cap logos, in particular, are the most prevalent, with the home cap logo appearing during home games and the road cap logo during away games.

Ensuring legibility is crucial when selecting your team’s colors. Avoid using a whitish shade as your second color, as this can make the logos and text difficult to read. Instead, opt for a darker shade that provides sufficient contrast. If your team has only two colors, make the first and second colors the same shade and use white as the third color.

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One of the most critical lessons is to always save your logos, even if you haven’t made any changes. Failing to do so can result in missing logos on scoreboards, uniforms, and menus. This is a common issue that can be easily avoided by simply saving your logos every time you access the logo editor.

For Diamond Dynasty custom teams, it’s essential to ensure that all logos used on uniforms are saved to the vault. This is a requirement for these logos to be visible in the mode, unlike in offline modes where it’s not necessary. Neglecting to upload logos to the vault is another common reason for logos disappearing from uniforms, menus, and crawls.

When creating uniforms, follow a specific process to ensure all logos are properly applied. First, cycle through each uniform item featuring a logo and select and tailor the logo for that item. Once all logos are in place, go through the uniform items a second time to adjust the colors and other settings. Changing or accessing the logo editor during this process can reset the uniform colors to the team’s default.

Modifying a previously saved custom team in Franchise mode can be done by starting a new Franchise career, selecting the team you want to change, and then choosing the option to create a new team. This will populate the settings with the previously saved team data, allowing you to make the desired tweaks and then resave the updated team.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to creating visually stunning and functional custom teams in MLB The Show 24. In order to complete the team and logo builds faster, we need to have more MLB The Show Stubs on hand, which can be used to purchase the required player cards and logos.

Published by hotyhs

Claus Oliver is a gamer, and on this blog, he will share guides and news for some popular games. He has shared many guides for games like Path of Exile, Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, and more. He'll be sharing more game guides for NBA 2K23 in the near future.

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